Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How does society influence individual human behavior, and is that Essay

How does society influence individual human behavior, and is that influence greater than the personal and biological forces within each person - Chad Richardson - Essay Example From birth or even before the child is born, humans have to learn to respond and interact to different stimuli unique to his environment. One of the primary influences of the society comes in the way of family structures. This is where the first pattern of behavior is learned outside of the hereditary traits. The family, to a large extent helps to shape the belief system and influence other social habits such as dressing, eating, speaking. Emotional bonding can also be seen as an outcome of the family’s treatment of the individual. Parental favoritism can be an influence. A sibling receiving more love may develop differently from his or her less favored sibling (Rowe, 1994). The school also plays a major part in how the society influences behavior. This usually acts as a measuring stick in determining what are acceptable and non-acceptable patterns and standards of behavior. Through the existence of positive and negative reinforcement humans are guided as to uplifting moral and social behavior and are exposed to a certain way of thinking that should help them to strive toward self actualization. A person’s value system is also developed largely through a combination of home and school influences. The larger society, group alliances and cultural settings also influence human behavior. Religious beliefs also help to set the norm. According to Rutherford and Ahlgren (1990), â€Å"Culturally induced behavior patterns such as speech patterns, body language, and forms of humor become so deeply imbedded in the human mind that they often operate without the individuals themselves being fully aware of them (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1990, p.89). The age old question of whether the influence of society is greater or lesser than the biological influences is really difficult to determine. In many cases persons from the same social and cultural backgrounds and from the same family in some instances end up displaying different behavior patterns. In cases like these

Monday, October 28, 2019

Organization Structure Presentation Essay Example for Free

Organization Structure Presentation Essay Marketing. Terry Davenport is a senior vice-president of Starbucks who leads the marketing department. He oversees the sales organization structure, the marketing structure and cross-functional project teams with their own structure, effectively affecting the organizational structure of the organization as a whole. Finance. Peter  J.  Bocian as the chief financial officer of the company under analysis. The financial function of the firm has access to key decision makers, and the structure of the company was created to force this. For instance, in the case of Starbucks, centralization became possible with new accounting technology. Human Resources. The management of Starbucks’ human resources affect organizational structure in a way that these resources are overseen as one large structure that encompasses the entire firm with several smaller structures supporting the functions of recruiting, benefits and training. Operations. As chief operating officer, Martin Coles of Starbucks adapts to the continuously evolving internal operations of the business, which impacts the organizational framework by having more structure. The operations function also helps to create and support a system of management hierarchy, authority, power and control. Partner Resources. As executive vice-president and Partner Resources head, Chet   Kuchinad is able to affect organizational structure through the inclusion of organizational links connecting partners to the parent corporation that would then account for the accumulation of profits for reinvestment. Technology. Chris  Bruzzo, chief technology officer, influence organizational structure through linking mechanisms that facilitate lateral relations among the organization’s many units such as the ones mentioned above. Research has shown that an IT-based change leads to a single impact or shift in organizational structure — an intervention occurs and a new stable structure results (Earl, 1996).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

College Admissions Essay: Woman of the Year -- College Admissions Essa

Woman of the Year "You have just been named the 2015 Man/Woman of the Year. For what achievement are you being honored, and how did your college education help you reach your goal?" I sprint up the stairs to my shabby apartment, taking them two at time. I've had a long day at work and I need to jump into the shower before I meet a client for a dinner date. I fumble for the key with my right hand. When the stubborn door finally opens, I fly into the apartment and kick the door closed behind me. I punch the play button on my answering machine while getting ready to take a shower. The first message is from my client saying he will be a little late. Good. Ten extra minutes. The second message is the chairman of the Person of the Year contest telling me that I had been... College Admissions Essay: Woman of the Year -- College Admissions Essa Woman of the Year "You have just been named the 2015 Man/Woman of the Year. For what achievement are you being honored, and how did your college education help you reach your goal?" I sprint up the stairs to my shabby apartment, taking them two at time. I've had a long day at work and I need to jump into the shower before I meet a client for a dinner date. I fumble for the key with my right hand. When the stubborn door finally opens, I fly into the apartment and kick the door closed behind me. I punch the play button on my answering machine while getting ready to take a shower. The first message is from my client saying he will be a little late. Good. Ten extra minutes. The second message is the chairman of the Person of the Year contest telling me that I had been...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Living with Asthma :: Medical Medicine Respiratory Essays

Living with Asthma missing works cited The weather in Boston is just beginning to feel cooler as Maeve Vaillancourt, a Northeastern University sophomore rushes to her first class of the day. Although she is already behind schedule, she huddles in a corner to take a dose of her Abuterol inhaler, then finishes her ten-minute walk and slips into class late. â€Å"I hate taking my inhaler in public, because it is embarrassing, but after quick walks like that, I need to or else I feel as if I can’t breathe,† said Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt has been suffering from asthma since she was diagnosed at the age of 9. She is one of 18.2 million adults age 18 years and older with this illness according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Over seven million children ages 0-17 have asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that leads to inflammation of the bronchial tubes, resulting in difficulty carrying air to the lungs. Asthma greatly affects an individual’s breathing, and can place severe restrictions on daily life. During asthma attacks, which may be triggered by weather, allergens, exercise, the individuals’ ability to breathe becomes difficult. As a young, active college student, Vaillancourt’s battle with asthma plays a role in her day-to-day life, beyond just her walks to class. â€Å"I don’t think of inhalers as medicine. I bring it out everywhere; itis like a wallet, or cash,† said Vaillancourt, who suffers from mild asthma. â€Å"If I don’t bring it out, I panic and actually make my asthma worse.† Like most who suffer mild asthma, Vaillancourt is prescribed two inhalers. One is a preventative inhaler, Advair; and the other is her emergency inhaler, Albuterol. Advair is used to prevent an attack from occurring. It contains the steroid, fluticasone, which prevents inflammation that leads to asthma attacks; and salmeterol, which is abronchodilator, to relax muscles to improve breathing.Albuterol is also a bronchodilator, used to treat bronchospasms as they are occurring. Vaillancourt takes Advair, her preventative inhaler, and once in the morning and once before she goes to bed, as well as before exercising. Although she knows it is important Vaillancourt said she â€Å"often has trouble remembering and keeping up with taking the inhaler.† Vaillancourt has noticed that since she has been living in Boston and consistently walking, especially in cool weather, she is more likely to remember her inhalers since she is more likely to need them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bellinger and Transsexuals

Bellinger V Bellinger case might lawfully be epitomized as clear and unbiased reference to putative gender-sex differentiating and even opposition. Social role of an individual is what apparently regarded as a reflection of his/her inner, biological role. Male and female interact and represent themselves in their respective gender roles as they are accostomed to and as it is their only way to fully reveal their personality, gender role being an essential part to it.So far, within the academic notion of ‘sex’ or, if related to psychology, ‘sex identity’ two distinct and rather discrete categories, first denoting biological [inborn] components, second denoting acquired through socialization pattern of behaviour, were embraced to secure separate and considerate approaches. That gender role is a concept relating to second or ‘acquired’ group of elements is a fact which thus far scarcely entail any poisonous implication.If there be a game participant s to which are free to chose their gender role and are warranted, by the rules of the game, to be fully accepted at their new status, this status will for the purpose of the game mean a ‘carte blanche’ for any constructive self formation and assuming myriad of new social roles which spurrs the creativity of the participants. That game is very much alike a masquerade, where costumes and dresses are commonly known and recognizable and the owners of those costumes, impersonal as they are wearing their dominos, are treated as if being a true heroes.The rules of the game which sanctionize impersonation, in fact, inaugurate the spirit of mockery and futher creativity of individuals which, perdued by the cloak of assumed gender, depart further from the province prescribed by their sex role assigned as birth. In fact, this abstract situation or game is hardly ruled by any societal regulation or government statutues; it is inherently present in human communities which tend to di ssociate into a number of nuclear communiteis which develope their internal regulations and are characterized by certain margin of deviation.What really empowers the participants of that kind of abstract situation and actualize their further expansion is technical devices or ‘masks’ needed to successfully impersonate gender roles and special warrant that their will be accepted in their new acquired role. First creates the discourse of community, the accesability of technical devices draws the idea of the situation nearer to the partcipants; second creates continuum for their activity empowering scheme to expand and difining the extremities and limits of that expansion.Far from stating the internal driving forces which rule the participants when they ‘jump in the game’ I would like to underscore the dialectics between transsexuals and doctors which is accountable for re-asserting transexuals’ subjectivity, providing them with technical means which gre atly contribute to that subjectivity’s formation, and dialectics between transexuals and law. In Re Bellinger, several facts point out to the current state of limitations law and society encounter as regards patterns of cross-sexual behaviour and their possible legal implications.It is clear enough that Mrs. Bellinger since her unsuccessful marrige to a woman which resulted in devorce as early as 1975 led a sexually deviant subjective life which found its expression in wearing womans dress and acting as a woman. That pattern of behaviour is characterictic of transvestites or cross-gender individuals which find sexual and/or cerebral gratification in assuming a gender role of woman by partial of complete cross-dressing and often (which is conditioned by a degree of boldness of a cross-dresser) venturing out into public .As we also might know Mrs. Bellinger was rather radical in her endeavour and has completely assumed new gender role and, in fact, had disguised her male side u ntil eventually gone through gender re-assingment procedure. Although, for the purpose of present consideration the fact of her going through sex re-assignment treatment is immaterial as far as it may only indicate her being extremely persistent in assuming characteristics of wanted gender.The fact that she underwent operational treatment has no practical implications on the province of law concerned: it only designated that she been through treatment results of which are partially recognized by state and law in general and to that extent that she is entitled to correction of documents (passport, etc. ) That government corrects documents for the person which changed so profoundly that otherwise doing may impede his/her interaction with government and state services is absolutely reasonable practice.When individual wishes to change a name he/she is also entiltled to the correction of personal data in the passport lest there be any confusions of the personality of passport holder. Now the question is are there any material differences in the eyes of the law between situation when individual chose to ungergo operational treatment and having done so needs to have the personal data typed in passport (together with photograph) corrected and that when individual chose to change, say, her marriage status and needs to have her personal data (last name) corrected?I think, despite apparent difference of two cases, both of them involve substantial changes in person’s status which (changes) has to find their adequate reflection in official personal information. Initially, law is not concerned with changes or transformation person undergoes – it is only concerned with legal implications of those transformations or how they will affect legal status of individual should he participate in his new status within legal sphere.To participate within legal sphere, to put it accurately, mostly means to partake in complex of relations subject to regulation of specific la w or specific legal norms. Thus, though two cases are entirely different with respect to the nature of changes individual undergoes, legal implications of sex re-assignment procedure are somewhat limited by the current state of law which is reluctant to acknowledge validity of marriage between persons at least one of which participated to it not in his/her original sex, but has chosen to change that original sex and actually did so prior to the marriage .It follows that as regards [spicific] law of family, individual that enjoyed legal recognition in general (recognition through correcting personal data, including name which indicate gender), is incapable of fulfilment his/her rights springing from that recognition in particular case and with respect particular province of law.Thus, as far as nature of changes concerned apparently matters in the eyes of law, since it delegates rights upon person who changed the name as a result of personal wish and withholds the legal capabilities o f those rights fulfilment in the case with men who changed the name as a result of personal wish to change sex and thus appropriate more coming feminine name, it proceeds that the fact of general aprobation of the sex-reassignment procedure and its results, which finds its expression in registering individual as a woman and entails legal rights and prefenrences capable of fulfilment in specific provinces of law (pension age and, what is more important, the right to marriage), does not mean that general aprobation’s universal validity – it instead means some kind of contingent validity of general recognition of status.It practically means that general recognition is void as long as it does not entail recognition of persons rights in specific provinces of law (like labor law and family law). Particulary, the fact of gender re-assignment is immaterial to the case because neither it benefited the person any more than would do when testifying his/her expressed and extremal desire to posses the characteristics of opposite gender, nor it entailed some practical outcomes of government’s general recognition of the sex re-assignment fact when person was allowed to change a name in the passport. Thus far, I insist that Mrs. Bellinger was a transvestite which gone through gender re-assignment but the latter procedure did not qualitatively affect her legal status. As it is known from the case, the registrator did not ask Mrs.Bellinger about her gender status and Mr. Bellinger himself was not willing to inform him. So, it will be reasonable to presume that if at the moment marriage took place Mrs. Bellinger did not actually do gender re-assignment but instead prefered cross-dressing as transvestites do the registrator would hardly have more doubts about the gender of fiancee than he actually had. The difference between pre-operational and post-operational positions of Mrs. Bellinger was rather internal of character and laid deep in her self perception w hich apparently was tending towards further unification with all that constitutued ‘feminine’. Even at the time when Mrs.Bellinger still possesed secondary sexual atributes of male (penis) she also possesed a great deal of feminine traits and was very skilled at dressing woman clothes and make up. This allows for induction that it was not only after the operational treatment that Mrs. Bellinger did actually transformed in terms of gender as seen through public eyes. If transvestite looks skillful enough to pass the street and impart the idea of her ‘girlishness’ to every one looking at her, she, to certain degree, is a girl to herself at this moment and is, to absolute degree, a girl to society aroound her. When much of the things to visually transform boy into a girl was done and done with a good taste then nobody will distrust his/her feelings and venture to check her anatomical sex by pulling her skirts up.Thus, it is apparent that transvestite radiates feminine gender when in public eye which certainly does not go without further affirmation of [her]self in that believe. It follows that category of gender which comprise number of biological and non-biological or acquired elements is construed through and within societal perception of what that gender (male/female) should look like . If the society is misled and perplexed that only means that ‘gender identity’ of some of its members went awray. The latter conceive the idea of gender in the context of ‘self construction’, ‘self transformation’ and doctor actually aid them in perpetuating that belief in contigency of gender .That transvestite resort to special devices to assume the gender role and misled the society means that even without surgical treatment they may successfully socialize into society in the desired role and that actual sex reassignment does not have any implications other than on transvestite’s subjectivity and self per ception, that is, no practical bearing on societal perception. At this point, if law is only concerned with empowering adequate socialization (securing the equality of rights and principle of genral equity and equlity) of individual in his/her gender role, then it precribes equality of scope of right which pertain to inborn woman and that which pertain to person gone through sex re-assignment.On societal level, that equality is already established since everyone perceive trasvestite as a woman and naturally does treat her as a woman . Methodological problem here is that marginal transvestites which cross dress completely, live like women and express a strong desire to transform their bodies so that to alter their secondary sexual attributes into that which pertain to woman and, in whole, strive to unify with another gender totally abandoming their own original one, present a distinct group which needs both taxonomization and separate legal approach . As we said earlier, there will b e no virtual difference for the registrator whether Mrs. Bellinger would have been through surgical treatment at the moment of marriage or not.In the same manner, she will look equally feminine to people on the street before and after operation. The problem lays in her self perception. Acute desire to get rid of the abhorrant organs which (desire) borders with risc of self-mutilation or suicide was invoked by Harry Benjamine as reasons for surgical treatment of a patient. ‘Benjamine patient’ thus requires separate taxonomical niche and might also require medical and in extremal cases surgical treatment which , thus, looks akin to emergency surgical measures applicable to unstable patient. Surgical vocabulary has penetrated the terrain once inhabited by psychopathological terminology.Treatment of such hard cases involving Marginal drive towards unification with other sex by arsenal of intense psychoterapy was rendered futile and changed for more radical, surgical and hor monal technologies. Although, it is within approach of psychoterapy that demand of sex change, which was crucial in disclosure of syndrome itself, was recognized to â€Å"cover over another form of subjectivity that are fundamentally destabilizing. † It follows that emergency approach within which syndrome of expressed gender dysphoria taken at its extremity is only capable of rectification through surgical treatment intended at partial or full removal of secondary sexual attributes posseses not its past persuasiveness.Rather, its thesis about demand for sex change which serves as signifier of the syndrome invites critics on the ground of its Although, â€Å"Benjaminian patient† as a product of doctors and patients dialectical development of â€Å"cohesiveness for a subjectivity [which] constantly [is] under threat of destruction† is very appealing to the law. The law may find its subject in the â€Å"Benjamine patient†. Thus created taxonomical niche ent ail various legal situations. Earlier, we considered the possibility of Mrs. Bellinger’s actual marriage (in terms of social recognition of their civil union) in case if she would not undergo sex re-assignment procedure and concluded that marriage will be not less socially valid under that conditions.What if in her place was another person who only occasionally cross dress and does not wish to play that social role of woman forever? It is very possible that she would pass the social test and misled the public with its look but the degree to which she really needs that social and legal recognition is, presumably, incommensurable to that of Mrs. Bellinger. In this case, the fact that individual has undergone surgical procedure may testify her commitment to the purpose of ultimate unification with opposite gender (along the lines of ‘Benjamine patient’ approach) as well as underscore the intricasy of her psychosomatic neurosis ( psychopathology approach).In any case , surgical treatment dialigns the group of Marginal transvestites from other, Nuclear ones . And similary to medicine which aids that marginal patients by delivering them from their detestable organs , law is called to facilitate their further socialization into society by resolving the internal pressure they feel as regards inability to lawfully participate in civil unions. That law is called upon to faciliate in internal self development and self apprehension is no new: it has incorporated norms securing the right of disabled and retarded which contribute to their self esteem and facilitate their internal development or prevents them from [the threat] of destruction of personality.But is not it that law pre-maturely intervene into the relations which are to be at first clearified and agreed upon by the medical specialists and only then passed into the sight of law? Whether it us true or not that if there are presently two groups each of which has its explanation on what marginal t ransvestism is and how it should be treated then law is bound to side with one of those schools since no mutual agreement was developed? ‘Benjamine patient’ is very appealing taxonomical category which directly and logically connect Marginal transvestism (springing from expressedly antipathic reaction to individual original sex) and gender re-assignment treatment (which is deemed to be the only plausible resolution to thus posed problem).But in the eyes of law transvestite which undergone sex re-assignment posseses no single distinct advantage as compared to that (transvestite) which did not been through that treatment. It is gender identity of individual that matters when considering the issue of legislative changes to Matrimonial Causes Act. In this respect, gender re-assignment procedure is not a conclusive step which defines those who are eligible for the right to marriage; it is only one of those steps which are directed by human identity and, through acquiring fur ther visual and material semblance, incrementally lead to unification with desired sex. This road may prove to be infinite.The position of gender re-assignment surgical procedure within the continuum of surgical procedures transexuals resort to allows for observation that transexuals, in fact, are continuously disturbed by abyss between them and ideal feminity (in case of men transexuals) and may never acquire bodily semblance enough to put their mind or gender identity at ease, that is to say that they are insecure in their feminity and their self apprehension is constantly impaired. Thus, it is impossible to render a transsexual somehow belonging to feminine gender solely on the ground of him/her being surgicaly treated. Rather, it is the expressed self apprehension as belonging to feminine gender that could make them what they want to be. This conclusion entails further ones.The most prominent of them is that pronounced desire to be a femine is what transsexual has and ever would have and the aim of the law is to state whether it is sufficient for granting them all rights pertaining to female sex. In context of right to marriage this pronounced desire has to somehow fit into the definition of marriage (marriage is void unless the parties are ‘respectively male and female' (Bellinger para 1) or that definition has to be changed because of certain cases which hardly fall within that definition but nevertheless seem to have direct bearing on the marriage. Clearly, transsexual which articulate her gender to be feminine in the marriage tends to have a wife role which will organically consort with other characteristic of feminity she tends to.In Re Kevin (validity of marriage of transsexual) [2001] Fam CA 1074 it was stated that there is no ‘formulaic solution' to determining the sex of an individual for the purpose of the law of marriage and â€Å"difference is essentially that we can readily observe or identify the genitals, chromosomes and gonads, but at present we are unable to detect or precisely identify the equally â€Å"biological† characteristics of the brain that are present in transsexuals† But to put right to marriage in direct dependance upon [determining] sex of person seems to be a dead end. The array of cases strating from Corbett v Corbett [1971] P 83 and ending with present case testifies that this approach is hardly efficient.The desicion in Goodwin v UK (2002) 35 EHRR 18 laid ground for re-apprisal of that approach. It reads that the Court found found ‘no justification for barring the transsexual from enjoying the right to marry under any circumstances'. Obviously, there are no such impedements springing from the law itself which would prospectively prevent Marginal transvestites from acquiring right to marriage provided that there be a legislative will of Parlament. That the perplexities of that problem partially and briefly stated earlier do prevent House of Commons from passing the bill also seems clear. At the same time, incentives coming out of European court are expressedly painted in colors of progressive and liberative legislative approach.Presently, I belive that formula which will satisfy ‘Europeans’ will involve legislation tending to antecede the resolution of academic debates as regards specific domains of meidine and, in fact, contribute to the progressive and enlighted resolution of those debates. In our case, present state of the law includes some deceptive provisions. It clearly states that parties to marriage are ‘respectively male and female' which seems to be consonant with the desire of Marginal transvestites as they tend to artificially acquire ‘maleness’ or ‘femaleness’. At the same time, law and the court do not seem to bother about priciseness of their rendering of that provision.So far, as it occures from the great majority of the cases, the court only have approached notions of ‘malenessâ⠂¬â„¢ and ‘femaleness’, construed them to signify biological sex and made efforts to elaborate measures of ascertaining that [original] sex. It is now clear that societal perception of gender does not co-incide with legal one. The court insures the degree of preciseness of that legal perception but apparently, the split between society which eyes Marginal trasvestite and sees a girl, Marginal transvestite which lives and strives to be a girl actually ever-approaching to it, and the Court which eyes Marginal transvestite through microscope and employes all kind of hromosomal tests and technical appliances to disclose that individual’s original and abhorrent side is enormous.Doctors almost at once sided with their patient and developed certain categories (at the beggining ‘Benjamine patient’ and then ‘gender identity disorder’) actually saling transvestites to state as transexuals – taxon compulsory and contigent in itself – which would underscore their unstability at the original gender and destabilizing subjectivity. Another school of medicine tries to buy that category back from the state pointing at the internal incommensurability and incohesiveness of it. It (school) actually speak out that state and society bought the thing which is not what it seems. And it is the time when gender and sex opposition is to reveal fully. As it might be construed from Bellinger case despite her successful effort to approach ‘feminity’ Mrs.Bellinger did not managed to approach ‘femaleness’ which under the present provisions of the law warrant her a right to marriage. Doctors appealed to progressiveness and humanity of legislator so that the latter might confer ‘femaleness’ upon transexuals even if only to save their subjectivity. Unattainable status of, say, ‘femaleness’ is mainly in charge of legal deadend with marriage rights of marginal transvestites. If sex-rela ted approach was changed for gender-related one (first signifies biological sex, second – gender role) within the provisions of the law it will greatly reduce that paintfull dialectics between transsexuals and doctors and transsexuals and law.Though, that changes ought to go with recognition of homosexual marriage. Transsexuals will never agree to register as homosexual family but this will reduce the degree to which marriage right depend on gender re-assignment procedure, which is immaterial to marginal trabnssexuals right to marriage. Number of words: 3558. References: Books: Changing Sex: Transsexualism, Technology, and the Idea of Gender by Bernice L. Hausman; Duke University Press, 1995 The Psychology of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity: A Handbook by Louis Diamant, Richard D. McAnulty; Greenwood Press, 1995 DNA and Destiny: Nature and Nurture in Human Behavior by R. Grant Steen; Plenum Press, 1996 Journal articles:Transvestism: A Survey of 1032 Cross-Dressers. by Richard F. Docter, Virginia Prince. Journal Title: Archives of Sexual Behavior. Volume: 26. Issue: 6. Publication Year: 1997. Page Number: 589+. Moving gaily forward? Lesbian, gay and transgender human rights in Europe. by Kristen Walker. Melbourne Journal of International Law, June 2001 v2 i1 p122 Paper articles: Law reports. (News) Daily Telegraph (London, England); April 17, 2003 Cases cited: Corbett v Corbett [1971] P 83 Re Kevin (validity of marriage of transsexual) [2001] Fam CA 1074 Goodwin v United Kingdom (2002) 35 EHRR 18 Bellinger v Bellinger [2003]2 FLR 1 Bellinger v Bellinger [2003] UKHL 21

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

222 Essays - English As A Second Or Foreign Language, Free Essays

222 Essays - English As A Second Or Foreign Language, Free Essays 222 Failure Experiences to Success Introduction What does the word ?failure? mean to you? Does it make you feel ashamed and disappointed? Have you ever given up when you become a failure? To many people, the word ?failure? usually has different negative meanings to people who are not successful in their past and lacking knowledge to be able to pass exams. It?s like the end of the world when things could not be re-done or reversed so that they could start over. Somehow to them, being called ?a failure? is also equal to becoming ?a loser.? Perhaps it?s okay for them to feel miserable and listless. I was also one of those people. It was always depressing to me and I would never dare to face what I did wrong again. Not until I had a chance to read Lives on the Boundary by Mike Rose, I realized that failure was not the end of every story, that everyone in this world, for at least once in their life time, has failed. It?s up to the failure to decide whether it is his or her ending or beginning of a new challenge. In Lives on the Boundar y, Mike Rose has taught me that every failure is a step forward to another success. Lives on the Boundary starts with ?this is a hopeful book about those who fail.? Basically, Rose gives hope to people like me, as an immigrant and non-English speaker, whose wish is to do better and be fluent in English as well as many other things in our lives. ?Lives on the Boundary concerns language and human connection, literary and culture, and it focuses on those who have trouble reading and writing in the schools and the workplace.? (Rose, xi) In the book, Rose has given us the advice by combining autobiography of his journey, the case study of his struggles in learning English and his writing strategy, and the commentary of himself and his students. Mike Rose has developed the way we think of failing and our talks about people who don?t do well in school. He gives us many examples of his students who have been labeled as a ?failure.? His students are people from poor neighborhoods, working-class families, immigrants who want to achieve a better life. ? The people I?ve tutore d and taught and the people whose lives I?ve studied-working-class children, poorly educated Vietnam veterans, underprepared college students, adults in a literacy program- they, for the most part, hadn?t been so fortunate.? (Rose, xi) They fail because they do poorly in schoolwork; thereby they get behind in most of their work. ?By the various criteria the institutions use, the students deserve admission-have earned their way- but they are considered marginal, ?high risk? or ?at risk? in current administrative parlance.? (Rose, 2) Instead of giving up on those students, the teacher Rose believes the school and teacher should change their potential so that the student can get better and become successful. Rose argues that using the basic methods could help most students to become better in basic writing. As an immigrant in the United States, after reading the book Lives on the Boundary by Mike Rose, I have been convinced that we should ?look beyond the labels of failure and feel hop eful about those who fail.? High School Memories and Experiences First of all, we need to think about the challenge that makes us become a failure, and how it affects our life. In my memories, high school seemed to be the most challenging time in my student life. It was about the time when I started to understand more about what was called double-dealing and when I had to deal with my scariest and happiest time in my life. It was not because I didn?t have any obstacles during my elementary or middle school. It was just because my life and my future have begun to change since I came to the United States seven years ago to start my high school. It was my happiest time because I knew and believed my future was going to start. However, it was also my scariest time when I had to leave my hometown, my friends, my country, and came here with

Monday, October 21, 2019

Human relationship skills Essay Example

Human relationship skills Essay Example Human relationship skills Paper Human relationship skills Paper 1. Although I have enhanced my self-disclosure skill during these 3 weeks, it was not enough. I need to keep using this skill and develop it further, slowly but surely integrate the new behavior into daily relationships with friends, classmates, and family members.  2. Self-disclosures take risks; according to the guideline it is best when it has right reason, to the right person. Self-disclosure will help others to know me, in the future. I should base my choices on a clear understanding of what is desirable and beneficial for the relationship. I should consider who I have disclosed information to, how much I have disclosed, how much can the disclosure hurt me. 3. I will learn how to deal with confrontation, be brave to express how I feel and what I think.  4. In the future, I will learn to express myself clearly and to give useful feedback. Make disclosures clear. Dont assume that others understand what I think, feel and want; no one can read my mind! Avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.  5. Because of the element of risk, disclosure in a relationship should occur gradually. In the future, I should not confide intimate details about me immediately upon meeting someone. Rather, I should reveal a little at a time as I come to trust the other person. 6. Self-disclosure is an important skill. It increases our mental and physical health. Overwhelming data from therapy, self-help groups, and research labs suggests that sharing our emotions improves our health, helps prevent disease, and lessens our psychological- interpersonal problems.(Bolton, 1986, p.182)  7. There is a wholesome cycle involving self-disclosure, friendships, and self-acceptance. First, it is usually helpful to tell the person you are interacting with how he/she is affecting you because sharing your intimate feelings and thoughts usually deepens friendships. Secondly, acceptance by friends and others increases your self-acceptance. Thirdly, as you feel better about yourself, you can self-disclose even more of yourself, leading to closer, more enjoyable relationships. Fourthly, with more feedback, greater security and self-acceptance, you are able to look deeper into yourself and solve more problems.(Nelson-Jones, 1986, p.54) 8. Having a good self-disclosure skill not only can enhance relationship but also can make effective communication. If we disclose well and get feedback from others, we can be more self-aware and develop a positive self-esteem. Our empathic listening skill might also be enhanced. Sharing brings personal growth, a growth in our knowledge of ourselves and of other, a growth in the bonding of our relationship, and the growth in our sense of our own value. Reference Adler, R. B. Towne, N. (2003).Looking out, looking in. (10th ed.). Wadsworth/Thomson Learning: Belmont.  Bolton, R. (1986). People skills. Australia: Prentice Hall of Australia Pty Limited.  Burton, G., Dimbleby. R. (1996).Between ourselves: An introduction to interpersonal communication. (2nd ed.).New York:  J W Arrowsmith Ltd.  Nelson-Jones. (1986).Human relationship skills: Training and self-help. Great Britain: Biddles Ltd.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Euthansia

Meanings of terms Why is it an issue? Beliefs about suicide and euthanasia Meanings of Terms Most people in North America die what may be called a bad death. One study found that "More often than not, patients died in pain, their desires concerning treatment neglected, after spending 10 days or more in an intensive care unit." cited in Ref. 1 The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek language: eu means "good" and thanatos means "death". One meaning given to the word is "the intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies." 2 That is, the term euthanasia normally implies that the act must be initiated by the person who wishes to commit suicide. However, some people define euthanasia to include both voluntary and involuntary termination of life. Like so many moral/ethical/religious terms, "euthanasia" has many meanings. The result is mass confusion. It is important to differentiate among a number of vaguely related terms: Passive Euthanasia: Hastening the death of a person by altering some form of support and letting nature take its course. For example: Removing life support equipment (e.g. turning off a respirator) or Stopping medical procedures, medications etc., or Stopping food and water and allowing the person to dehydrate or starve to death. Not delivering CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) and allowing a person, whose heart has stopped, to die. Perhaps the most common form of passive euthanasia is to give a patient large doses of morphine to control pain, in spite of the likelihood that the pain-killer will suppress respiration and cause death earlier than it would otherwise have happened. Such doses of pain killers have a dual effect of relieving pain and hastening death. Administering such medication is regarded as ethical in most political jurisdictions and by most medical societies. These procedures are performed on terminally ill, suffer... Free Essays on Euthansia Free Essays on Euthansia Euthansia Euthanasia is often called â€Å"mercy killing†. It is intentionally making someone die, rather than allowing that person to die naturally. It is sometimes the act of ending someone’s life, who is terminally ill, or is suffering in severe pain. Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today. Euthanasia can be considered a form of suicide, if the person afflicted with the problem actively does it. The person volunteering to commit the act to that person can also consider it a form of murder. The positive side of Euthanasia is that it ends a person’s suffering in this world. Many physicians and psychiatrists believe that it may a humane act. From a virtue ethics point of view, it may be appropriate. What we seek in human existence is to be happy, and find happiness. Suffering from a terminal illness, or affliction, could inhibit one’s happiness in life. If the goal is to be happy, then Euthanasia would be an answer for this person. Euthanasia may even bring about happiness in that it is what the person desires and wants, in order to no longer to be a burden to his/her family. Also, Euthanasia would stop the pain and not prolong the dying process. In the utilitarian point of view we all have a duty to our happiness, and a duty to the society. Euthanizing a person based on the society aspect makes sense. With greater and greater emphasis put on managed care today, many doctors are at a financial risk when they provide treatments to patients who are in the dying process. These patients may also feel like not becoming a burden to the society at large, and choose to fulfill a duty – Euthanasia. If the person is in a coma or is brain dead, that person is no use to himself or herself, or society anymore. Euthanasia is a viable method to end an otherwise futile attempt at recovery. The family of the person being euthanized may not want their family members in pain – to suffer. It can be a family duty to do the ... Free Essays on Euthansia Meanings of terms Why is it an issue? Beliefs about suicide and euthanasia Meanings of Terms Most people in North America die what may be called a bad death. One study found that "More often than not, patients died in pain, their desires concerning treatment neglected, after spending 10 days or more in an intensive care unit." cited in Ref. 1 The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek language: eu means "good" and thanatos means "death". One meaning given to the word is "the intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies." 2 That is, the term euthanasia normally implies that the act must be initiated by the person who wishes to commit suicide. However, some people define euthanasia to include both voluntary and involuntary termination of life. Like so many moral/ethical/religious terms, "euthanasia" has many meanings. The result is mass confusion. It is important to differentiate among a number of vaguely related terms: Passive Euthanasia: Hastening the death of a person by altering some form of support and letting nature take its course. For example: Removing life support equipment (e.g. turning off a respirator) or Stopping medical procedures, medications etc., or Stopping food and water and allowing the person to dehydrate or starve to death. Not delivering CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) and allowing a person, whose heart has stopped, to die. Perhaps the most common form of passive euthanasia is to give a patient large doses of morphine to control pain, in spite of the likelihood that the pain-killer will suppress respiration and cause death earlier than it would otherwise have happened. Such doses of pain killers have a dual effect of relieving pain and hastening death. Administering such medication is regarded as ethical in most political jurisdictions and by most medical societies. These procedures are performed on terminally ill, suffer...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Definition of security in info. sys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition of security in info. sys - Essay Example A very important aspect of such information systems is the ability to protect the data and information obtained from unauthorized access, exploitation, addition, deletion, or modification. This is called as security of information system. Increased interconnectivity amongst various information systems has raised new issues and threats for the security of information systems. However it is based on some core principles. First of these is Confidentiality. It refers to protecting personal privacy, and proprietary information from unauthorized access, and disclosure. If sensitive information such as Card Number No., SSN No., company strategy, transactions data for the company, passwords etc. leaks to unauthorized people, it may lead to large level of misuse by the thief. Second core principle is Integrity which refers to preventing unauthorized information modification (addition, editing, and deletion). The integrity of data and information in an information system may suffer because in many cases like attack of virus/worms, hacking of websites, an employee being able to change sensitive corporate information etc. Another important principle of Information system is to make it reliably and timely accessible to correct users. This aspect of the IS is called availability. This also includes preventing a website from Denial-of-Service Attacks. Information system professionals have to protect their corporate IS from various threats. The first kind of threat that can harm the security of IS is hacking, which refers to obsessive or unauthorized use of company computer and network resources. Often employees or outside people make unauthorized use of network, and make fraudulent transactions. This is called as cyber theft. Employees may also use corporate computer and networks for purposes such as e-mail abuses, pornography, and moonlighting. This unauthorized use at work is called time and resource theft. Apart from these,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Accounting report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Accounting report - Assignment Example Therefore, this additional information such as the macro environment effects, business performance in comparison to its competitors, etc. generally guide the investor in making the right choice. The statements provided by Chairman and CEO are more or less same with both them talking about the performance of British Airways during the year in comparison with last year and the difficulties being faced due to economic downturn, loss of consumer confidence, increasing oil prices and other environmental factors. Furthermore, both the heads highlighted the fact that next year is going to be much tougher in terms of performance due to economic conditions prevailing, yet they are confident that the company will manage to survive and achieve their long term future goals of being a premium airline. However, the main difference among both the statements was the measures highlighted by CEO to survive currently and tackle the future business appropriately with a brief detail about their future development and ways to achieve those (British Airways 2009). The report provided by CFO highlight some of the problems that company is facing and which will be important for investor like Paul. Firstly, the CFO talks about the decline revenue caused by a decrease in passenger traffic especially premium passenger leading to reduction on amount of flying. Furthermore, the report highlights the company’s susceptibility towards fluctuating oil prices and showing an increase in operating expenditure due to this. Moreover the company faced a net unrealized loss on fuel derivatives due to volatile prices. Lastly, company posted a negative EPS which will have an adverse impact on its investors as no dividend was announced (British Airways 2009). The environment in which airline industry operates involves lot of risks and uncertainties which are out of their control and can have severe impacts on their business. Some of the risks involved in their industry are act of terrorism, any

The Marketing Strategies of Fashion Brands Coursework

The Marketing Strategies of Fashion Brands - Coursework Example The essay " The Marketing Strategies of Fashion Brands" examines the brands' marketing strategies in the fashion industry. Acquiring ambassadors who represent the industry and share their experiences with the brand boosts the industry substantially. Different fashion industries apply different strategies to market their products. More often than not, these interlink and some contrast. Fro example a certain industry may use fashion blogs and another may use fashion showcase to market their products. There are two marketing strategies but they are very contrasting. For the fashion blog marketing strategy the industry ventures deeply online to research on their product line and look for reviews from their customers than it includes blog on the social networks. On the other hand, fashion showcase includes gathering of a small gathering for the industry to debut its fashion trend to the key people of the fashion who have the potential of high profile clientele. During the event, the custo mers have exposure to the displayed items throughout the room. In a different case, one company may use location-based strategy to market its product while another may use pricing strategies. In the location-based strategy, the company in question may involve mobile social marketing strategies where it has to hoist substations in the areas where most of its customers are situated. In the pricing marketing strategy, the company combines pricing and product quality to attract his potential customers. ... In the pricing marketing strategy, the company combines pricing and product quality to attract his potential customers. The industry gives its customers products at a reasonable price. The main aim for these is in order for the industry to establish a strong mutual relation with the local and international relation and to maintain creativity in its marketing strategies (Kumar, 2009:257). Bloggers are very essential in determining the public relations and enabling the entire public to contact the fashion industry for professional assistance. This is a very creative way for marketing of products through the internet. How the fashion market has changed The fashion industry has undergone tremendous changes in the recent past starting at the multiple ends of value chain that affect the various players of the industry. Likewise, the market for the fashion industry has also changed. Customers are increasing their demand therefore the fashion industry has to be very creative and innovative f or current styles at attractive prices and on frequent basis. This becomes a long-lasting challenge to the industry, therefore it has to find new ways to secure to secure growth and profits while satisfying the customers demands at the same time. The market change has been due to technological advancement. Technology advancement has enabled the fashion industries accomplish their tasks with greater efficiency. The fashion industry has designed software called Product Lifestyle Management (PLM), which has substantially increased the sophistication and incorporated wide assortment of techniques that are very beneficial to the company (Hartline & Ferrell, 2010:587). The PLM is not just a set of technologies but also a strategic business approach that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluation Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation Research - Essay Example Maps, graphs or charts can be used to provide average (mean, mode and median) which is then employed in reporting results of a certain survey or experiment presented in the graphical displays. The mean, mode and median would be quite differing from each other depending on the data presented. Each will present a different result Sometimes graphical displays such as charts and graphs present ordinal data that does not require mean. Mean in this case becomes meaning less and would therefore present misleading information. Some graphs provide misleading information if they don’t provide the right scale which represents the actual variable. The use of magazines and newspapers sometimes give meaningless information with colorful pictures which are simple to represent survey responses and public opinion (Chudler, 2009). Therefore one has to be careful while reading these results. There is need to understand the nature of information being presented what most appropriate approach to present it. One has to be careful while making comparisons and as well use the independent variables to make comparisons. Descriptive statistics are employed in quantitative terms to describe the most significant data collection features. They are distinguished from inferential statistics or inductive statistics in that they target to summarize quantitatively a set of data instead of supporting inferential statements regarding population which are represented by the data. Even when inferential statistical analysis is used to analyze data and draw conclusions more general presentations are done with more formal analyses by use of descriptive statistics to provide the audience with a sense of the analyzed data (Supercourse, 2009). Supercourse (2009) further asserts that examples of descriptive statistics include measure of central tendency, measure of association, measure of dispersion, histogram and cross-tab as well as

Neurological Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Neurological Disorders - Essay Example Migraines can be caused by variations in the brainstem and the interactions it has with the trigeminal nerve, which is the main pain pathway. Another cause may be an imbalance in brain chemicals such as serotonin since it helps regulate pain in the nervous system.Some of the signs of migraines include Vision disturbances that occur in both eyes and can involve blurred vision, seeing stars, eye pain, a temporary blind spot, and tunnel vision. Sometimes one may experience yawning, nausea, a problem in finding the right words or even difficulty concentrating.Precipitating factors include external stimuli, psychological factors, and physiological phenomena. Stress is a commonly recognized trigger phenomenon associated with a migraine attack. The sufferers are sensitive to changes in both eating and sleeping patterns. Vasoactive substances such as alcohol, tyramine, nitrate, and caffeine are also precipitating factors. Estrogen and progesterone in women play a great role in occurrence and timing of migraine attacks.Migraines don’t have a specific cure. The goal is to treat the symptoms immediately by changing and avoiding triggers. If one experiences regular migraines, they may be prescribed medicine to minimize the number of attacks. The medicines may include blood pressure medicines, antidepressants, and seizure medicines.Analgesics are drugs designed to relieve pain. There are various types of analgesics: acetaminophen (available without a prescription) and a various opioid analgesics.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Evaluation Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation Research - Essay Example Maps, graphs or charts can be used to provide average (mean, mode and median) which is then employed in reporting results of a certain survey or experiment presented in the graphical displays. The mean, mode and median would be quite differing from each other depending on the data presented. Each will present a different result Sometimes graphical displays such as charts and graphs present ordinal data that does not require mean. Mean in this case becomes meaning less and would therefore present misleading information. Some graphs provide misleading information if they don’t provide the right scale which represents the actual variable. The use of magazines and newspapers sometimes give meaningless information with colorful pictures which are simple to represent survey responses and public opinion (Chudler, 2009). Therefore one has to be careful while reading these results. There is need to understand the nature of information being presented what most appropriate approach to present it. One has to be careful while making comparisons and as well use the independent variables to make comparisons. Descriptive statistics are employed in quantitative terms to describe the most significant data collection features. They are distinguished from inferential statistics or inductive statistics in that they target to summarize quantitatively a set of data instead of supporting inferential statements regarding population which are represented by the data. Even when inferential statistical analysis is used to analyze data and draw conclusions more general presentations are done with more formal analyses by use of descriptive statistics to provide the audience with a sense of the analyzed data (Supercourse, 2009). Supercourse (2009) further asserts that examples of descriptive statistics include measure of central tendency, measure of association, measure of dispersion, histogram and cross-tab as well as

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

COHI Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

COHI - Term Paper Example The objective of this essay is to illustrate how mediated communication impacts one’s life for the better, for the worse, or perhaps both ways. The discourse would initially define relevant terms to be used within the paper like communication, mediated and unmediated communication, prior to delving into determining the force of media on interaction and social life. The experiences of one’s daily life as poignant examples of the far reaching influence of mediated communication would be used through the essay, as required. Definition of Terms Martires defines communication as a process which aims to transfer and implement the meaning of symbols from one person, group or organization to another (79). The ultimate goal of communication is the sharing of meaning. Andersen considers it as â€Å"a dynamic process in which man consciously or unconsciously affects the cognition of another through materials or agencies used in symbolic ways† (5). Likewise, Delaune and Ladn er defined the term as the â€Å"process of transmitting thoughts, feelings, facts, and other information† (483) through verbal or non-verbal means. All definitions attest that communication is a process where symbols and meanings are relayed from the sender to recipients with the use of a defined medium. Mediated communication is clearly defined as â€Å"communication that involves a process by which a message, or communication, is transmitted via some form or medium† (Pavlik and McIntosh, 70). The authors expounded by detailing that â€Å"anything that you directly encounter during your waking hours such as talking to your friends, listening to a lecture, smelling food from the cafeteria, feeling rain on your skin is unmediated communication, although the information value of these experiences varies.   Mediated communication also creates a greater chance for misinterpretation by the receiver.   Mediated communication is all around us.  Web logs, or blogs, off er a unique channel for developing and maintaining relationships between organizations and publics† (ibid.). Likewise, Fernando differentiated mediated from unmediated communication by stressing that â€Å"mediated communication transpires when the parties to the communication are not present in space in relation to each other in a manner that enables them to apprehend each other through the use of their senses. Examples of mediated communication include letters, telephone calls and emails† (Fernando, pars. 19 – 20). Thereby, unmediated communication was defined as â€Å"unmediated communication transpires when the parties to the communication are present in space in relation to each other in a manner that enables them to apprehend each other through the use of all of their senses. Examples of unmediated communication include face-to-face conversations, meetings in a room† (Fernando, 16 – 17), among others. Mediated Communication in Personal Life In contemporary times, the impact of technology, specifically through the use of the Internet and mobile phones has significantly changed levels and extent of communication to various parties. The Internet is personally regarded as a medium for social activity and as a means for self-expression. The young generation, particularly utilize the Internet to interact with others for various reasons: to get information, to communicate with friends, to search for old acquaintances, to form new alliances, to establish social relations, to build bridges instead of walls. Further, the Internet

The strength of an electromagnet Essay Example for Free

The strength of an electromagnet Essay Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g) dciana, please do not redistribute this coursework. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this coursework elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0185 This work from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0190 HV6 from HV6 coursewrok HV6 work HV6 info HV6 0. 0185cofa far sefafaw orfa fak infa fofa fa! Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g)codc dcr sedcdcw ordc dck indc fodc dc. 0.0185 Weber refuted dcianas rationalisation hypothesis. 0. 0175coeb ebr seebebw oreb ebk ineb foeb eb. 0. 0180coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca. Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g)coaa aar seaaaaw oraa aak inaa foaa aa. 0. 0185coac acr seacacw orac ack inac foac ac; 0. 0190 This dissertation from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0180cobg bgr sebgbgw orbg bgk inbg fobg bg. Average Mass of Iron filings in grams (g) dciana, please do not redistribute this paper. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this paper elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0187 dciana, please do not redistribute this dissertation. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this dissertation elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0187 This dissertation from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0185 xRbb Visit coursework ef in ef fo ef for ef more project ef Do ef not ef redistribute xRbb Average Current in Amps (A) nX6ehKf5 Visit coursework cc in cc fo cc for cc more paper cc Do cc not cc redistribute nX6ehKf5 2+coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce; 2+ FUZlDg from FUZlDg coursewrok FUZlDg work FUZlDg info FUZlDg 2+coed edr seededw ored edk ined foed ed; Average Voltage in Volts (V) NTBfPtDXg from NTBfPtDXg coursewrok NTBfPtDXg work NTBfPtDXg info NTBfPtDXg 3cogd gdr segdgdw orgd gdk ingd fogd gd; 3coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca. 3 P5zpmk from P5zpmk coursewrok P5zpmk work P5zpmk info P5zpmk Graphs: This hypothesis from www. studentcentral. co. uk Fig 1. 5 Fig 1. 6 DKREDG7nc Visit coursework db in db fo db for db more cours db Do db not db redistribute DKREDG7nc Conclusion: hFxX4CVX Visit coursework fa in fa fo fa for fa more work fa Do fa not fa redistribute hFxX4CVX From the results obtained in this experiment, it becomes very clear that changing the positioning of the solenoid on the iron core has no effect on the electromagnets strength. This is because from Fig 1. 4, 1. 5 and 1. 6 the results show that there is hardly any significant change in the results. However when the solenoid is placed on the right hand side of iron core there is a slight change of 0. 0002 grams of iron filing collected in comparison to the other two positions (middle and left hand side) but this change is quite insignificant. The voltage also remained the same throughout all the nine experiments (as expected) and was measured with a voltmeter since the power supply was set to 3 volts at all times and therefore was anyway a constant (the voltage was measured with a voltmeter eventhough it wasnt really needed because the power supply was set to 3V). From the results that were obtained for current a conclusion could not be drawn and there for it is difficult to say anything about current in this specific experiment. There was one set of results (Fig 1. 4, Right hand side position) that was slightly anomalic (0. 0002g) in comparison to the other results but this will be later on analysed in the evaluation. Weber suppressed dcianas functionalism . I can conclude by saying that my hypothesis was correct since the results (except for current in Amps) received were as I thought they would be. dciana, please do not redistribute this project. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this project elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. Evaluation:coee eer seeeeew oree eek inee foee ee. As in most of the experiments there are always a few improvements that can be made to get even better and more reliable results than the ones obtained from the previous one. The first factor in this experiment that could be improved is that of the ammeter readings, since the ammeter that was used was first of all not digital and only went up to 2 amps (however for this experiment we were looking at a greater current than just 2 amps). So either a potentiometer /variable resistor (to decrease the current) or a digital ammeter could be used, which would display higher currents than just 2 amps. The second factor in this experiment that could be improved would be that of the coiling of the wire around the metal coil because the wires were supposed to be tightly wrapped around the coil so there would be a 1 mm space between the wires (the solenoid was made up of 25 loops of insulated wire). Not following this factor was the reason for slight anomalic results (see Fig 1. 5) between the positions middle and right plus left and right because for the two sides (middle and left) one partner looped the wires around the metal core and for the other side (right) the second partner looped the wires around (obviously differently than the first partner) the metal core. The third factor that could be improved in this experiment would be that of the tape (to keep the solenoid in place), since this could have been measured (e. g. 4cm per experiment) because in this experiment the tape was not measured and therefore became an uncontrolled variable. It is very difficult to say whether the last positions (right) results were anomalic because of the third factor or simply because the balance might have been reset incorrectly since the difference between the right hand side position and the other two positions (middle and left) was just 0. 0002 grams. If this experiment was to be done again then it would a good idea to have a closer look at the three factors mentioned above.cogc gcr segcgcw orgc gck ingc fogc gc; Altogether this was a successful experiment because not only was the aim met but also the hypothesis was proved to be correct and most of the results were also reliable except for perhaps that one set mentioned above. coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce; Bibliography: fo ea fGCSE Double Science Physics Book The Revision Guideor ea more dissertation ea Do ea not ea redistribute mqR8F15 I would like to acknowledge this book in helping me with scientific evidentiary support.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility In Smrt Corporation Management Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility In Smrt Corporation Management Essay This report is written and compound to discuss Corporate Social Responsibility in the worldwide international company. Corporate Social Responsibility is the adoption by a business of a strategic focus for fulfilling the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities expected of it by its stakeholders (Thorne, Ferrell, Ferrell, 2008, p. 5). The key stakeholders of an organization consist of employees, customers, investors, suppliers, stockholders, governments, as well as communities. SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT) is one of the company that implements Corporate Social Responsibility in their company. SMRT is Singapores premier multi-modal public transport service provider which established in 1987. Corporate governance is one of the most important aspect in Corporate Social Responsibility. The Board and Management of SMRT are fully committed to continually raising the standard of corporate governance and to build a respected, trusted and transparent organisation which is essential to sustainability of the companys business and performance. Some of the sustained programme that has been made by SMRT to enhance and improve the lives and welfare of the community are corporate philanthropy, environment, community outreach, as well as safety and security. 2. Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility is the adoption by a business of a strategic focus for fulfilling the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities expected of it by its stakeholders (Thorne, Ferrell, Ferrell, 2008, p. 5). The key stakeholders of an organization consist of employees, customers, investors, suppliers, stockholders, governments, as well as communities. Nowadays, the awareness and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Singapore has been increased since the establishment of Singapore Compact in January 2005. Singapore Compact is a national society that functions as multi-stakeholder platform in recognising the role and contributions of all Corporate Social Responsibility stakeholders. SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT) is one of the company that implements Corporate Social Responsibility in their company. SMRT is Singapores premier multi-modal public transport service provider which established in 1987. This report is written and compound based on the company background of SMRT, corporate social responsibility by SMRT which includes corporate philanthropy, environment, community outreach, safety and security, as well as current issue in market and media. 3. Company Background SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT) is Singapores premier multi-modal public transport service provider offering integrated transport services island-wide. Established in 1987, SMRT provides Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT), bus services, as well as rental of taxis. In addition, SMRT leases the commercial spaces and provides advertising buying service within their network. Singapore MRT Ltd started operating the North-South and East-West lines (NSEWL) of Singapores first Mass Rapid Transit System in the 1987. Singapore LRT Pte Ltd was set up in 1997 and two years later, became the first operator for Singapores pioneer Light Rapid Transit System in Bukit Panjang (BPLRT). SMRT Corporation Ltd has been listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX) since 26 July 2000. As a holding company, it wholly owns SMRT Trains Ltd (SMRT Trains), formerly known as Singapore MRT Ltd, and SMRT Light Rail Pte Ltd (SMRT Light Rail), formerly known as Singapore LRT Pte Ltd. SMRT Trains has commenced operations of Circle Line Stage 3 in May 2009 and Stages 1 and 2 in April 2010. In December 2001, SMRT Corporation Ltd acquired SMRT Road Holdings Ltd (formerly known as TIBS Holdings Ltd) for $198.6 million and became Singapores first multi-modal land transport operator, providing bus and taxi services in addition to its MRT and LRT services. SMRT Buses Ltd (SMRT Buses) and SMRT Taxis Pte Ltd (SMRT Taxis) are wholly-owned subsidiaries of SMRT Road Holdings Ltd. 4. Corporate Governance Corporate governance is the formal system of oversight, accountability, and control for organizational decisions and resources. Oversight relates to a system of checks and balances that limits employees and managers opportunities to deviate from policies and codes of conduct. Accountability relates to how well the content of workplace decisions is aligned with a firms stated strategic direction. Control involves the process of auditing and improving organizational decisions and actions (Thorne, Ferrell, Ferrell, 2008, p. 75). Corporate governance is one of the most important aspect in Corporate Social Responsibility. The Board and Management of SMRT are fully committed to continually raising the standard of corporate governance and to build a respected, trusted and transparent organisation which is essential to sustainability of the companys business and performance. For its efforts to achieve the excellent corporate governance, SMRT received some of the corporate awards such as Best Investor Relations (Silver) and Best Annual Report 2009 (Bronze) at Singapore Corporate Awards 2010, second place in Business Times Governance and Transparency Index 2010, Best Managed Board (Gold) and Best Annual Report 2008 (Bronze) at Singapore Corporate Awards 2009, Board Diversity Award (Co-Winner) at Securities Investors Association of Singapore (SIAS) Investors Choice Awards 2009, first place in Corporate Governance Award in the Mainboard category at Securities Investors Association of Singapore (SIAS) Investors Choice Awards 2008, and more. 5. Corporate Social Responsibility by SMRT Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that a corporation should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities, and the environment. It implies that harm to people and society should be acknowledged and corrected if at all possible. It may require a company to forgo some profits if its social impacts seriously hurt some of its stakeholders or if its funds can be used to have a positive social impact (Post, Lawrence, Weber, 2001, p. 58). SMRT believes that their success has to be channeled towards the greater good of the community. SMRT Corporate Social Responsibility programme sets out to make a positive impact on the economic, social and environmental well being of the communities that they serve. Some of the sustained programme that has been made by SMRT to enhance and improve the lives and welfare of the community are: 5.1 Corporate Philanthropy Corporate philanthropy has become important as companies are expected to do more than just give back to the community. SMRT corporate philanthropy programme is directed at voluntary welfare organisations, national events, education, sports, arts and the environment. In Financial Year 2006, SMRT made community contributions totalling S$3.18 million in cash contributions and sponsorships such as media space and corporate gifts. Some others of the philanthropic contributions that have done by SMRT are: SMRT Silver Tribute Fund The SMRT Silver Tribute Fund (Fund) is SMRTs biggest corporate social responsibility initiative to-date. SMRT Silver Tribute Fund was launched in December 2006 as a holistic corporate philanthropy and community outreach effort. All money raised by SMRT Silver Tribute Fund will go towards the six beneficiaries such as: Alzheimers Disease Association   Specialised Caregiver Support Service (Dementia), Ang Mo Kio Family Service Centers -Ang Mo Kio Yio Chu Kang Community Carers Scheme, Asian Womens Welfare Association AWWA READYCARE Centre, Geylang East Home for the Aged (GEHA), Singapore Leprosy Relief Association Home, and Tan Tock Seng Hospital Community Charity Fund   Helping Elderly Patients Programme.   Donations and media support for National Day Parade and support of the birthday celebrations in various ways including provision of a SMRT Train for Singapore Express, a community project which brought together 12,000 Primary Five students from 42 schools island-wide to design National Day decorations for public transport and bus stop shelters. Train ride for 200 disabled persons to promote community awareness of the unique needs of the disabled. Sponsorship of three SMRT buses as exhibition space for exhibits on environmental care for the Marine Parade Town Councils Clean, Green and Hygiene Carnival. Donation of a de-registered SMRT taxi to Alexandra Hospital for its Car Transfer Rehabilitation Programme. Partnership with the National Council of Social Services for the Disability Awareness Public Education Campaign. 5.2 Environment SMRT is committed to be an industry leader in environmental stewardship. SMRT prioritize and responsible to contribute to create a cleaner and greener environment. To embrace environmentally-friendly policies and practices in their business, operations and infrastructure, SMRT launched SMRT is Green in April 2008. SMRT make a conscious effort to adopt green practices in their operations in terms of energy, water, air and waste management. With all their concern and hard work to preserve the environment, SMRT received some awards for their contribution such as Most Energy Efficient Metro award at The Metros Award 2010, Top Achiever, Singapore Environmental Achievement Award 08/09 from the Singapore Environmental Council, two awards at the Land Transport Excellence Awards (LTEA) 2010 as the Most Eco-Friendly Transport Partner and the Most Creative Promotion/Campaign, and many others. 5.3 Community Outreach SMRT is active in outreach programmes that add colour and vibrancy to community while promoting the SMRT brand name. These programmes have been done to entertain, educate and inform to the public through their transport network. Some of the programmes are: SMRT Courtesy and Safety Programme This annual programme serves to remind commuters to adopt safe and well-mannered behaviour while in transit. The highlight of the programme is the SMRT Challenge. Courtesy and safety messages were also publicised via action packed road shows at our train stations, publicity posters, as well as through an art competition for children. SMRT and National Library Board (NLB) Read and Ride Programme The magic of books come alive for children of the Internet generation on MRT train. This partnership with NLB is complemented by the annual SMRT Tales on the Trains. These are story-telling sessions on board SMRT trains and are held during the school holidays. Hui Chun at SMRT MRT Stations SMRT transform one of their stations into a place of celebration to spread festive cheer among their commuters every year. SMRT are always joined by calligraphers and artists from the Life Art Society who will give out auspicious couplets and brush paintings, all of which are completed on the spot. 5.4 Safety and Security Safety and security is the top priority and the forefront of SMRT business and operations. To encourage and train the community to play a more active and effective role in enhancing safety and security in the public transport system, SMRT make a programme which is called by SMRT Community Emergency Preparedness (SCEP). The SCEP is the first integrated transport security training programme by a public transport service provider and is develop as a Public-Private-People (3P) partnership, in collaboration with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Ministry of Home Affairs Home Team departments. The registration to join the SCEP programme is free and all the participants will undergo three hours of theory and four hours of practical lessons. 5.5 Current Issue in Market and Media In order to celebrate World Environment Day, SMRT launched its third Go Green with SMRT public transport education campaign on 5 June 2010. The campaign, which runs till 30 September 2010, highlights the benefits of taking the train and bus better air quality, reduction in carbon emissions and lower carbon footprint per passenger kilometre. The campaign which promotes public transport for cleaner air and better health launched with giveaway of 300 limited edition travel passes to commuters who wear special badges and pledge to add public transport into their travel mix. The 300 limited edition travel passes are on top of the monthly draw (3-month free rides for 1 on SMRT trains and buses) and grand draw prizes (1-year free rides for 4 on SMRT trains and buses). 6. Conclusion Nowadays, majority companies implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a form of their commitment to take care of the community and environment. SMRT Corporation Ltd is one of the company which implements CSR programme. With the implementation of CSR in their company means that SMRT is the company which is responsible for the welfare of the community and environment. One of the CSR programme that has been done by SMRT is committed to a clean and green environment by using environmental friendly fuel. Other CSR programmes are including corporate philanthropy, community outreach, as well as safety and security.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Womens Rights Movement in the US Essay -- essays research papers

Women rights Throughout the years of marriage and relationships there has been many changes towards the different roles that men and women play. Over this time though there are also things that have remained the same. The male female relationship has always had a type of â€Å"guidelines†. Over the past forty years these guidelines have become less and less followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Men and women’s attitudes towards each other are something that has always, for the most part, remained the same. For all of time men have been the seekers. It is a mans job to find himself a partner. Women get to wait and choose who they accept and who they decline. For example men have always asked women to dances or social events. This has come from males being the dominate gender in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The roles that men and women play in relationships are something that has changed. Up until recently the roles of a relationship were always pretty much the same. Males were viewed as the dominate figure in the relationship or in the family. It was the job of the male to provide for the family, whether it was hunting for food or having a good job. The male was seen as the head of the family and would provide discipline to the children. On other hand the mother was the care taker. She would be the one to stay home with the kids and not work. The female would provide for the family by cooking and cleaning and taking care of the house. This is the way that society had w... Women's Rights Movement in the US Essay -- essays research papers Women rights Throughout the years of marriage and relationships there has been many changes towards the different roles that men and women play. Over this time though there are also things that have remained the same. The male female relationship has always had a type of â€Å"guidelines†. Over the past forty years these guidelines have become less and less followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Men and women’s attitudes towards each other are something that has always, for the most part, remained the same. For all of time men have been the seekers. It is a mans job to find himself a partner. Women get to wait and choose who they accept and who they decline. For example men have always asked women to dances or social events. This has come from males being the dominate gender in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The roles that men and women play in relationships are something that has changed. Up until recently the roles of a relationship were always pretty much the same. Males were viewed as the dominate figure in the relationship or in the family. It was the job of the male to provide for the family, whether it was hunting for food or having a good job. The male was seen as the head of the family and would provide discipline to the children. On other hand the mother was the care taker. She would be the one to stay home with the kids and not work. The female would provide for the family by cooking and cleaning and taking care of the house. This is the way that society had w...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

William Shakespeare :: essays research papers

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was able to, through his writings , lead the readers to examine their own social corlas, judgment, and wisdom. The most remarkable quality of his works is that even when we read them today, we still examine ourselves. He was able to accomplish their task as well as any writer of any era. Shakespeare's writings allow his readers to question the social climate of their day. (Bender 13). William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon in Warwickshire located in the heart of England on April 23 or 24, 1564. His mother, Mary Arden grew up in a much more prosperous environment than the Shakespeares. His father John, and Mary Arden were married in 1557. John Shakespeare was a wool dealer and glove maker, who became a prominent citizen and well-respected in the community. Eventually, John held a position in the public office. (Bender 13). Subsequently, John Shakespeare experienced financial problems and lost his wealth and governing positions. This, of course, had a big effect on the whole family. William was the third of eight children. The older siblings were sistets Joan, born in 1558 and Margaret in 1562. Both of William's older sisters died very young. (Bender 14). The other dive children were Gilbert born in 1566, a second Joan 1569, Richard 1573, Edmund 1580, and Anne 1580 who died at age eight. (Bender 14). William Shakespeare was educated at the local school in Stratford. Ironically, William never attended a university although virtually every English speaking universities studies his works. Bioghrapher a man educated in " the university of life." (Bender 14). His plays and other works display Shakespeare's vast knowledge of the entertainment, social mores, and culture of his native Warwickshire. William married Anne Hathaway in 1582. He was 18 and she was 26. They had twin daughters Hamnet and Judith and later their third daughter Susanna. (Bender 15). Shakespeare lived in an England that was overwhelmingly rural and had virtually no mechanized industry. It was a society very different from the one we enjoy in the U.S. today. Death and disease were the common experiences of all families during this era in England. (Andrews 67). This society was one in which a vigorous and youthful population was growing with unusual rapidity. The resulting economic development. (And rews 72). The manner in which the English made their living at that time seemed to be greatly influenced by region. The regional differences can be divided by an imaginary line from Bristol in the southwest to Hull in the northeast.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Description of the Graduate Record Examination

GREG subject test is used by very few universities for granting admissions. Universities usually use [email  protected] Subject Test for granting admission to the PhD program (sometimes for MS programs also) in Mathematics, Physics, Biological Sciences, English Literature, Psychology, Chemistry, etc. On the other hand, large number of universities do NOT use [email  protected] Subject Test for granting admission to the PhD program in the above mentioned fields of studies. Formats of [email  protected] : Two formats of [email  protected] revised General test are available : The computer based & The Paper based.Paper based format is available n only a very few countries. In India, only Computer Based [email  protected] is available. Who takes [email  protected] & When ? : Engineers, Architects, Doctors, Dentists, Biotechnologist, Science graduates, Physiotherapist, Pharmacists, Management graduates & postgraduates (MBA), computer professionals (MAC), Mathematicians, Psychol ogists, etc. Planning to pursue Masters or PhD programs, etc. The list is long. Almost 90% of the people who take [email  protected] are in their II or Ill or IV year of their college pursuing their degree in any stream such as Engineering or Science or Medicine, etc.Who accepts [email  protected] & how is it used ? Thousands of universities across the globe, more specifically almost all the universities in the USA & several in Canada use [email  protected] scores along with student's academic record in college, recommendation letters from Professors and/or employers, non-academic credentials such as projects, research papers, etc. To grant admission to their Masters or PhD programs. Several universities now also accept [email  protected] scores in lieu of GMTA scores to offer admission in their MBA programs. When & Where can one take [email  protected] ? : Unlike Indian college entrance tests such as GATE, CAT, etc. Imputer based [email  protected] is administered throu ghout the year at arioso Promoters (wholly-owned subsidiary of TEST) centers in India as well as at additional test centers in various cities such as Iambi, Delhi, Opal, Metadata, Allahabad, Achaean, Hydrated, Surgeon, Bangor, Kilowatt, Pine, Fedora, etc. At Promoters centers [email  protected] is conducted 3 times in a day, all weekdays & at additional centers on some selected days of the month. How many times can a student appear for [email  protected] ? You can take the [email  protected] once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period.This applies even if you canceled your scores on a test taken previously. If you take the paper-based GREG revised General Test, you can take it as often as it is offered. Are there any US universities, which do not use [email  protected] scores ? There are several US universities, which do not require you to submit your [email  protected] scores. The admissions committee of these universities primarily base their admission decision on college grades, recommendation letters, etc. But some of these universities use [email  protected] scores to award financial aid in form of fellowships, Graduate assistantships, Teaching or Research assistantships, etc.Score validity [email  protected] scores are valid Upton 5 years from the test date. How can I appear for [email  protected] ? If you wish to take [email  protected] you have to first make your account at HTTPS://emigre. Test. Org/ grew/login/login. ]SP. Then you can proceed to fix your examination date by following the instructions. Please also remember to carry your valid passport on the test date as you will not be allowed to enter the test center without it. All other forms of identification such as school id. Or driving license or Dear card, etc. Are unacceptable. Test centers are available in all major cities of India.[email  protected] Test Fee The test Fee for computer based revised general [email  protected] in Ind ia is IIS$195 at present. Remember that in this test fee you can also send [email  protected] scores to four institutions (colleges/universities, etc. ) free of cost. If you decide later to apply to one or more of these 4 institutions, then you will not be required to pay IIS$27 per university to TEST to forward your [email  protected] score to these institutions. How are the [email  protected] scores reported to the universities ? Whenever you give your [email  protected], you can view your scores after about 12-15 days from your test date in your online emigre account.You can also print your score-sheet from your emigre account. The universities do not use the photocopies of the [email  protected] marks- whet and require the official scores to take admission decisions. To send official scores to a university, you have to go to your emigre account, where you will find your [email  protected] scores displayed as per the dates on which you appeared for [email  protected ] You can send all the scores to the universities or can use Corselets facility to send scores (by test date) of your choice by paying IIS$27 per university.Remember that in the test fee (about IIS$195 in India) of [email  protected] you can send [email  protected] scores to four institutions (colleges/universities, etc. ) free of cost. If you decide later to apply to one r more of these 4 institutions, then you will not be required to pay IIS$27 per university to TEST to forward your GREG score to these institutions. You have to choose the name of these institutions to which TEST will forward your [email  protected] scores at the test center on your test date, immediately after finishing your [email  protected] test.The complete list of the name of the countries, universities, departments will be displayed on your computer screen after you have viewed your score. If you do not use this free facility, you are losing IIS$108. Ask CHICHI for the name of these four institutions . When will oh get your [email  protected] scores ? After completing the computer-based [email  protected], you will be given the opportunity to Report or Cancel your scores. If you choose Report Scores, you will see your unofficial scores for the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections displayed on your computer screen.Because of the Analytical Writing essay scoring process, you will not be able to view your Analytical Writing score at the testing center. If you cancel your scores, neither you nor any universities will ever see them and they will not be part of your reportable history. Your official scores will become available in our emigre account and sent to your score recipients approximately 10-15 days after your test date. Test Structure of GREG [email  protected] consists of three major sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing.In the first two sections, the test taker receives scores on scale of 130-170 in 1 point increment s (such as 150, 151 & so on) and receives scores on a scale of 0-6 in half point increments (such as 3. 0, 3. 5, 4. 0 & so on) on the Analytical Writing (AWE) section. Total score is on a scale of 260-340 (such as 300, 301 , 302 & so on) with AWE score stated on a scale of 6. 0. In addition, an unidentified unsecured subsection may be included and may appear in any order after the Analytical Writing section. It is not counted as part of the test taker's score.An identified research subsection that is not scored may be included in place of the unidentified, unsecured subsection. This research subsection will always appear at the end of the test. The overall testing time for the computer-based [email  protected] revised General Test is about 3 hours and 45 minutes. There are in all 6 subsections with a 10-minute break after the completion of the third subsection. The Analytical Writing section will always appear iris. The Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and unidentified or the unsecured subsections may appear in any order.The test-taker must treat each section as if it counts towards his score. Adaptive nature of the test : As per the official site of [email  protected] (mm. ‘. Greg. Org) the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections are section- level adaptive, meaning that the first section of the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures spans a range of difficulty levels, from easy to difficult. The first section is assembled such that, overall, the first section is of average difficulty. The difficulty level of the second section of each of the measures depends on your performance on the first section.For example, if for the Quantitative Reasoning measure you do very well on the first section, the second section of the Quantitative Reasoning measure will be at a higher level of difficulty. The scoring for the Quantitative Reasoning measure takes into consideration the total number of questions answered correctly acro ss the two sections, as well as the difficulty level of the section (similar process for the Verbal Reasoning measure). How the computer based [email  protected] is scored ? : The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning assures are section-level adaptive.This means the computer selects the second section of a measure based on the performance on the first section. Within each section, all questions contribute equally to the final score. For each of the two measures, a raw score is computed. The raw score is the number of questions answered correctly. The raw score is converted to a scaled score through a process known as equating. The equating process accounts for minor variations in difficulty among the different test editions as well as differences in difficulty among individuals' tests introduced by the section-level adaptation.Thus a given scaled score of a particular measure reflects the same level of performance regardless of which section was selected and when the test w as taken. For the Analytical Writing section of computer-based [email  protected], each essay receives a score from at least one trained reader, using a six-point holistic scale. In holistic scoring, readers are trained to assign scores on the basis of the overall quality of an essay in response to the assigned task. The essay score is then reviewed by [email  protected], a computerized program developed by TEST, which is used to monitor the human reader.If the e-rater valuation and the human score agree, the human score is used as the final score. If they disagree by a certain amount, a second human score is obtained, and the final score is the average of the two human scores. The final scores on the two essays are then averaged and rounded to the nearest half-point interval on the 0-6 score scale. A single score is reported for the Analytical Writing measure. The primary emphasis in scoring the Analytical Writing section is on your critical thinking and analytical writing skil ls rather than on grammar and mechanics. Structure of the Computer-based [email  protected] revised General TestSection Number of Questions Allotted Time Analytical Writing (0-6 marks) (One section with two separately timed tasks) One â€Å"Analyze an Issue† task and one â€Å"Analyze an Argument† task 30 minutes per task Verbal Reasoning (130-170 marks) (Two subsections) 20 questions per subsection 30 minutes per subsection Quantitative Reasoning (130-marks) 35 minutes per subsection Unsecured Varies Research Verbal Reasoning (Score – 130-170 points (marks) The Verbal Reasoning section measures the ability of the test-taker to understand what one reads and how one applies his/her reasoning skills.The Verbal Reasoning section of the [email  protected] consists of 3 types of questions : 1. Reading Comprehension. 2. Text Completion 3. Sentence Equivalence Reading Comprehension : The test-taker has to read the passage and then answer questions following the pas sage. Reading comprehension passages are drawn from physical sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, arts & humanities and everyday topics. They are based on articles found in books and periodicals, both academic and nonacademic. The lengths of these passages range from 1-5 paragraphs.The test contains approximately 10 passages; majority of which are one paragraph in length and only en or two of which are several paragraphs long. Typically, about half of the questions on the test will be based on passages, and the number of questions based on a given passage can range from one to six. There are three types of Reading Comprehension questions: Multiple-choice Questions -? Select One Answer Choice : These are the multiple- choice questions with 5 answer choices, out of which test-taker must select one.Multiple-choice Questions -? Select One or More Answer Choices : In these type of questions, there are 3 answer choices and one has to select all that are correct. The erect answe r to these types of questions could be that either one, two or all three of the answer choices may be correct. Suppose two choices are correct and the test- taker has selected only one. He/she will not get any marks for this selection. There are no marks given for partially correct answers.Select-in-passage : The question asks the test-taker to click on the sentence in the passage that meets a certain description. To answer this type of question, one has to choose one of the sentences in the passage and click on it to highlight it. Text Completion : Questions in this subsection are based on vocabulary. Text Completion questions include a passage composed of 1 to 5 sentences with 1 to 3 blanks. There are 3 answer choices per blank, or 5 answer choices if there is a single blank.There is a single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank. The test-taker receives no marks for partially correct answers. Sentence Equivalence : Questions in this subsection are based on vocab ulary. Sentence Equivalence questions consist of a single sentence with one blank and six answer choices. These questions require the test-taker to select two of the answer choices. One does not get any marks for partially correct answers. For more details about this section of [email  protected] contact CHICHI or go to http://www. TTS. Org/Greg/revised_general/about/content/ quantitative_reasoning Quantitative Reasoning (Score – 130-170 points (marks) The Quantitative Reasoning section of the [email  protected] consists of four types of questions: Quantitative Comparison Questions Multiple-choice Questions -? Select one answer choice Multiple-choice Questions -? Select one or more answer choices Numeric Entry Questions Each question appears either independently as a separate single question or as part of a set of questions called a Data Interpretation set.All of the questions in a Data Interpretation set are based on the same data presented in tables, graphs or other dis plays of data. On-screen calculator is available. The Quantitative Reasoning section of [email  protected] assesses the test-taker for basic mathematical skills, understanding of elementary mathematical concepts & ability to reason quantitatively and to model and solve problems with quantitative methods.The syllabus (though not limited to) includes : Arithmetic topics include properties and types of integers, such as divisibility, factorization, prime numbers, remainders and odd and even integers; arithmetic operations, exponents and roots; and concepts such as estimation, percent, ratio, rate, absolute value, the number line, decimal representation and sequences of numbers.Algebra topics include operations with exponents; factoring and simplifying algebraic expressions; relations, functions, equations and inequalities; solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; solving simultaneous equations and inequalities; setting up equations to solve word problems; and coordina te geometry, including graphs of functions, equations and inequalities, intercepts and slopes of lines.Geometry topics include parallel and perpendicular lines, circles, triangles -? including isosceles, equilateral and 300-600-900 triangles -? quadrilaterals, other polygons, congruent and similar figures, three-dimensional figures, area, perimeter, volume, the Pythagorean theorem and angle measurement in degrees. The ability to construct proofs is not tested.Data analysis topics include basic descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, intrauterine range, quartiles and percentiles; interpretation of data in tables and graphs, such as line graphs, bar graphs, circle rapes, foxtrots, shatterproof and frequency distributions; elementary probability, such as probabilities of compound events and independent events; random variables and probability distributions, including normal distributions; and counting methods, such as combinations, permutations an d Venn diagrams.Inferential statistics is not included. The syllabus does not include trigonometry, calculus or other higher-level mathematics. For more details about this section of [email  protected] contact CHICHI or go to http://www. Test. Org/Greg/revised_general/about/content/quantitative_reasoning Analytical Writing (Score – 0-6 points (marks) The Analytical Writing measure consists of two separately timed writing tasks, which the test-taker has to type using a basic word processor software available on the screen while giving the test.The tasks are : One â€Å"Analyze an Issue† task to be completed in 30 minutes One â€Å"Analyze an Argument† task to be completed in 30 minutes The Issue task presents an opinion on an â€Å"issue† of general interest followed by specific instructions on how to respond to that issue. The test-taker is required to evaluate this â€Å"issue† and write an essay by taking a position and give examples to support his/her views. The Argument task requires the test-taker to evaluate a given argument according to specific instructions.The test-taker will need to consider the logical soundness of the argument by assessing its claims and evaluating the evidence it provides rather than agree or disagree with the position it presents. Individuals taking the computer-based test will use a basic word processor developed by TEST. The basic word processor contains the following functionalities: insert text, delete text, cut-and-paste and undo the previous action. Tools such as a spell checker and grammar checker are not available in the TEST software.Complete sit of â€Å"Issue† & â€Å"Argument† topics, out of which one â€Å"Issue† & one â€Å"Argument† will appear in the actual test as the two writing tasks are given at http://www. Test. Org/Greg/ revised_general/prepare/analytical_writing/issue/pool and http://www. Test. Org/Greg/ revised_general/prepare/analytical_writ ing/argument/pool Prepare for [email  protected] It is not very difficult to score high on computer based [email  protected] revised General test. The first step to score high on [email  protected] or even on similar tests such as the SAT or GMTA is to plan the whole preparation for the test.Planning includes answers to various questions such as (1) When to start the preparation for [email  protected] ? 2) How to prepare ? (3) Time duration the student will spend on preparing the individual sections, on learning & understanding the vocabulary, on giving practice tests, (4) How many times should the student give [email  protected] (actual test) ? , etc. It is important to make a Time Table so that one's preparation is structured and focused. When to Start preparation for [email  protected] ? Usually majority of the students Join CHICHI [email  protected] coaching classes in their II or I year of their Bachelor degree.Some Join in Ill or IV year with a few Joining after the completion of their Bachelor/Masters degree or when they are working full-time. Starting early is the key to success. If you concentrate on GREG in your Ill or IV year, then you will be left with no time to do all the things (such as projects, working on papers, etc. ) required to obtain admission and financial support in a top ranked universities. So, try to give [email  protected] by the end of your first year or latest by the end of second year, when the academic load is less, so that later, you can concentrate on your studies.Getting [email  protected] score early also allows you to consider other options too, such as campus placement, MBA entrance or even appearing for Subject [email  protected] or GATE. Several companies use Aptitude Test similar to GREG for campus recruitment. If you have prepared well for [email  protected], you can perform very well in these tests as the syllabus of these examinations matches a lot with the syllabus of [email  protected] Ideal ly you should start preparation, on your own, by contacting CHICHI in first year of your degree.CHICHI will guide you, what you should do at home besides the regular college work so that when you Join the coaching class for [email  protected] at CHICHI after I or II year examinations, you will be well prepared to more actively participate in class discussions. To understand when to start preparation of [email  protected] & when to write the est. first time, one must understand how the universities admission process works. The academic year in the universities in the USA (as well as in other countries such as Canada, Australia, UK) starts between Gag. 15 to Septet. 15 (unlike India, where it starts from July).Different universities have different start date of their academic session. Usually the admission process starts about 10 months before the actual start date. So, a student who wants admission in August 201 5 (also called as Fall semester/ quarter) will start application pro cess to apply for admission in from November 2014. For applying to any university, the student has to complete and then submit an online application for admission to the university. The application deadline dates of universities vary a lot. Some universities will have admission deadline dates as early as Novo. And some will have as late as July 1. But usually most of the universities have DCE. 1 to Jan. 15 as their admission and financial aid (scholarship) deadline dates. So, a student wishing to obtain admission in a university starting from Fall 201 5 session should try to get best [email  protected] scores (assuming that the student gives the test twice) before Cot. 014 & latest by DCE. 2014. How much time does it take for the student to prepare for [email  protected] ? The time duration to prepare for [email  protected] varies from student to student but usually it takes about 3-4 months to prepare for [email  protected] along with college studies.Some students take long er and some are able to prepare for [email  protected] in duration of 4-6 weeks also. How to prepare for [email  protected] ? CHICHI has been conducting [email  protected] coaching classes for more than 19 years. Several students in past years have secured scores of 2320+ out of 2400 (previous pattern), 1 550 (old pattern) out of 1600, to 334 (the new computer based revised general [email  protected]) out of a total score of 340 leading them to obtain admissions & scholarships in top-ranked US/Canadian universities. CHICHI Small Batch Size : 10-20 students. Smaller batch size allows CHICHI teachers to give lot of individual attention and personalized training.All kind of students coming from various local colleges to coming from various parts of the country, from a newly opened college to various Its, NITS, BITS, NINJA, Anna university, Jodhpurs university, University of Iambi, Pine university, LIMIT, TACT, etc. With grades ranging from a low of 45% (4. 5/10) to a high of 90 % (9. /10) Join our [email  protected] classes. Some are weak at English, while few have a fear for Math. We make every effort to give individualized help to each student in the class and make sure that everyone participates equally in class-room discussions.Highly experienced Instructors : Our teachers have a combined experience of more than 20 years of teaching [email  protected] They not only have extraordinary teaching skills but are very sensitive to the individual needs of each student. You will often find teachers at CHICHI spending hours with our students solving their difficulties and boosting their confidence. Inspire of the dedication & passion of our teaching faculty, regular written feedback is taken from the students to see, if we are missing on anything and if any changes are required.These feedbacks are invaluable for us to grow and better our services. What is included in our Fee ? : The fee for [email  protected] coaching includes [email  protected] coachin g notes, complete coaching, all tests, usage of library, mock tests, etc. TOEFL [email  protected] training, notes, tests, etc. Are offered FREE of cost to GREY GMTA/SAT students. Course material : CHICHI through years has developed, updated and researched into thousands of pages of course material. This is added further by our excellent library, which has almost every book related to [email  protected] available in the entire world.We have amazing books. For e. G. A whole book will be dedicated to Just teach you how to solve the Reading Comprehension questions of [email  protected] or a book on just the vocabulary part of [email  protected] or on the complete Analytical writing section. Innovative approach to teaching : Whether it is solving questions related to complex and difficult to understand passage or memorizing & understanding thousands of words, we have developed through years very innovative ways to handle these problems. Details of how we teach is given at the en d of this section. Fee Validity : 5 years.Several students Join CHICHI right after their class I year but give their final [email  protected] in their II or II year. The students have to practice on mock Computer based tests, very similar to the actual [email  protected] tallest a month before their actual [email  protected] date. The fee paid at CHICHI for [email  protected] coaching is thus valid for next 5 years from the day a student enrolls at CHICHI so that the students can continue to obtain help & guidance at CHICHI without any hesitation. Batch Timings : CHICHI [email  protected] coaching classes are held in the evening (2 hours every day) & morning at timings convenient to the students.